Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Good Old Days...Coming Full Circle

It was back in 2009 when I started a little blog called All American Family. I had been dabbling into the freelance writing world, homeschooling and taking care of my family. It seems like ages ago, well eight years ago, to be exact and the balance of it all was going well. 

The previous year we had settled into our home situated on 4.5 acres and began the journey into hobby farming. Just two years prior to that, my husband and I had made the decision to start homeschooling our children. It was a whirlwind and while scary, it was the right decision.

So again, back to 2009...I had started my little blog and began writing with Associated Content. It started out very slow as with all things of unsurety (my word I combined). I was doing well and making a bit of extra money, nothing to write home about, but hey every little bit helps.

As the years started to fly by, I began gaining more popularity and my writing progressed, as well as, getting noticed by others. I started to receive invitations to guest blog and signed up for other offers I found from other bloggers.

I ended up becoming a part of the Old School House Review Crew, which I must say is a wonderful opportunity. This led into guest posting for Parent at the Helm and several other blogs (I am sorry to admit this but I am unable to remember them). The opportunities were coming at me faster than I could keep up and well, I started to burn out.

The burn out stems from managing a household, small farm, homeschooling and writing. The season was coming where I needed a break. My household and daily duties were suffering because there was not enough of me to go around. I stayed up late at night and woke up very early so I could complete my writing commitments. Let's just say at that point in life, I needed to scrape a few things off my plate.

It was around 2011/2012/2013 that I left everything writing, blogging and guest posting behind. My family was more important and that was what I needed to do. Life and goals change. I was trying to take care of my husband (who is spoiled), educate my children and manage a small farm. I know some of you do that daily, however a reevaluation of priorities was in order.

I missed the writing after awhile but felt so refreshed as my children were entering the middle grades and high school. I was able to focus on what they should be learning and prepare them for adulthood. We are still not completely there as my youngest is now 16 but I am able to focus on her, while still having time for myself.

So it has come full circle and here I am, back in the blogging world. I am also trying to start my freelancing career back up but this time it will be on my terms.  

The Good Old Days...Coming Full Circle

It was back in 2009 when I started a little blog called All American Family. I had been dabbling into the freelance writing world, homeschoo...